Songs That Capture Your Story
My work is to engage with individuals, organizations, and communities to find and share those stories that stand out. By asking questions and having conversations, we can provide an opportunity for everyone’s voice to be heard. Once we are all heard, our combined voices can come together and tell a story that couldn't have existed before.
Event Level Package
Free in-person consultation with event planners about their goals and audience.
Strategy to engage collaborators.
Timeline for completion:
Solicit input from desired collaborators.
Quick narrative summary of information/wordle.
Rough draft.
Final reveal of the finished product and/or presentation about the process.
Action planning for how to use this song/poem/piece to benefit your company.
Organizational Level Package
Free in-person consultation with leadership about their goals and audience.
Strategy to engage collaborators.
Timeline for completion:
Solicit input from desired collaborators.
Quick narrative summary if information/wordle.
Share potential words and phrases with collaborators.
Final reveal of finished product and presentation about the process.
Action planning for how to use your customized song/poem/piece to benefit your company.
Conference Level Package
Free in-person consultation with conference planners about their goals and audience.
Strategy to engage collaborators.
Timeline for completion:
Solicit input from desired collaborators.
Quick narrative summary of information/wordle.
Share potential words and phrases with attendees.
Final reveal of the finished product and presentation about the process.
Feedback from participants and planners.